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Sunday, June 18, 2017

online shopping safety :Buying and selling

online shopping safety :Good or bad(advantages and disadvantages

Purchasing goods from the comfort of your home certainly is more convenient than actually driving to a store where you ‘break a sweat’ shopping.This gave rise to online shopping; online shopping includes buying all sort of wears,appliances,groceries,mobile phones etc.Listed below are reasons several online shopping advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages of online shopping
1.)Saves time:With a few clicks,you can buy all that you want and instantly move to other important things.
2)Saves fuel:If you live in a country where fuel is expensive,you will gladly shop online since there is no need for vehicles ,you save fuel money which can be used to purchase something else.
3)Saves Energy: Online Shopping saves energy as you do not need to move from one place to another-you make all purchase from the comfort of your home.
4)Comparison of Prices:We live in an age where technology is paramount and thanks to this you can easily check prices and compare with just a few clicks.You can also compare prices from one online
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shopping website to another.This gives you the freedom to determine which online store offers the most affordable item you are to buy.
5)24/7 availability:Do you worry about late night shopping and availability of products in stores?Not to worry,the availability of Online stores gives you the freedom to shop at your own will and convenience.
6)Hate waiting in line:You no longer need to wait hours to buy a product.All you need is a device, Internet connectivity,card and you are good to go.
7)Too shy to buy:There are times you may be shy to purchase some weird things such as ancient artifacts,dark drawings,sex toys,sex costumes etc.Thanks to online shopping,you no longer need to be
shy/ashamed as all your transactions are private.
8)Notified for new deals:On online shopping websites,you get notified when new deals are available.Some websites like, and offer 60% off everything on Friday night(black friday) and on Mondays.
9)It lessens your burdens:Instead of carrying cash around:you only use your card which keeps your cash safely tucked away in your account.
Disadvantages of buying online
1)You might be scammed by an unfair seller:An unfair seller(scammer) might post an original product online and after you(buyer) make payments and transaction is complete.He(seller) might send over a
counterfeit product and you are left with a useless product with short life.Cases like this are very common
2)Cannot personally check the item:When buying online,you cannot touch or test the product until it is delivered to you.Some people might see this as a problem
3)Longer delivery time: Online shopping is quick and easy but the delivery time is usually long .You can buy a good on Monday and it gets delivered to you on Wednesday
4)Unfair charges by merchant:A merchant can decide to charge you unfairly in the sense that a product you see on a local store which cost $100 can cost $80 online (cheap right?),well not really because
when you look at the cost of shipping;it is usually like $30.So $80 + $30=$110-The difference is clear!
These are online shopping safety Tips you should follow to avoid getting scammed Online
What are some other tips you have to save someone today from scam?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing the advantages and disadvantages about online shopping. Your tips are really beneficial while shopping online. Find Best Shopping Apps for Coupons at


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